By Donna Dozier

I’ve had Jessica since she was 11 days old. She just had her third birthday March 1. She is wonderful. She has her own bedroom. She also has an indoor-outdoor enclosure that she spends her day in. They are actually two large chain link dog runs, one inside and one outside with a doggie or (monkey) door in the middle. For her birthday, I got her another 6 foot run to attach to her outside cage.


By Karen Hawkins

Atrocities occur and it is mandatory that people be held accountable for their actions. Wednesday, July 2,1997 I was in a local grocery store with my capuchin monkey, Mookie, shopping, as I have done for the past 2 years with him. While I patiently waited in the check-out line between two local woman, he was visiting a man (while still attached to the leash and myself as he is always ) accompanying several children (I am not sure if they were from a camp or where). I spoke to all of them and answered their questions pertaining to the work Mookie does. He became a part of our family at several weeks of age and turned 2 years old in April. I had been granted a permit from our State Dept. of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife for him to be allowed into the state of Maine specifically to participate in therapeutic type endeavors.
