By Mary Lynn Campbell

monkey rehome
“Sissy Lou La La” (age 18) – one of my very special rehomed monkeys

Here we are with yet another hard subject to write about.  Each of these postings have been written with one very important thing in mind and that is to be helpful to both current monkey caregivers and others who may be seriously considering becoming one.

Rehoming a monkey is not always an easy thing to do, especially when you or your family members are divided about doing this. Monkeys are as different in their size, personalities and their behaviors as we humans are. One monkey may really make a great pet/family member and then one may not adjust in your home or family at all.

I have been on the receiving end of rehomed monkeys for nearly 27 years.  Many monkeys have come from homes where they have been dearly loved and the parting was a very hard thing to do.  I most cases people were just so glad that they had a safe and happy home for them to live.  There are so many different reasons why people decide to rehome their monkeys.


primate enrichment feeder

I wanted to talk to you about one of Benji’s favorite enrichment feeders.   The goal of this feeder is mainly to prolong feeding time.  I build this enrichment feeder over a year ago and as you can tell, it is still in great condition.  Since this feeder is made out of PVC, it is not only very durable but it can also be kept clean rather easily.  So how does a feeder like did provide any enrichment to your monkey(s)?

Due to the fact that your monkey can’t really see what is in the feeder, he’ll have to dig through the holes to find out what is on the bottom.  I typically fill this feeder with seeds, nuts, popcorn, dried fruits and sometimes also mealworms.  To prolong feeding time even more, you can also fill it up with things like straw or paper to slow down the retrieval process.  You could even drop in an entire banana, just make sure you wash the peel first.

It really isn’t hard to make this primate enrichment feeder, so let’s get started!


By Mary Lynn Campbell

penny capuchin monkey
Penny, my first monkey (age 4)

Welcome again to our monthly post about Safety-First. This time we are talking about “How To Choose A Monkey Vet.” This particular subject, when I was thinking about it, seemed to be an easy subject to write about but as I researched it more, I realized that it was a little harder than I thought.

Many times right before or during the time that I am writing one of these posts a situation will come up that puts me smack dab into the situation that I am writing a post about.  This is exactly what has happened again.

The photo above is a photo of my first monkey that I purchased which will soon to be 27 years ago. I hope you also will enjoy this next photo too.


By Mary Lynn Campbell

recognizing signs of illness with monkeys
Silly Willy With His Girlfriend

If asked, many experienced monkey caregivers will tell you that they’ve been shocked several times to find out that their monkeys were very ill by the time they first notice any symptoms. Because of this I thought it would be a good topic for this posting of “Safety-First;”

When I received my first monkey, I was so blessed to have wonderful information passed on to me by many fellow monkey caregiver. But when one of my monkeys became ill, I was in shock. Of course, I asked myself the question, “How did this happen so fast? I had been told that it would be this way but I was absolutely not prepared for the speed at which it seemed to come upon her.

Monkeys do not wish for anyone to know when they are not feeling well. They mask their symptoms of illness. The monkeys that are here in the United States are mostly born into captivity but this does not change their natural way of reacting to illness. They will choose to show signs of illness very late, which can be very nerve racking to their owners.

When I was thinking about this posting, I began thinking over the illnesses that my monkeys have had. To my surprise, I am really shocked to say that none of mine have ever had a high fevers. Many times these high temperatures will be due to infections.   I feel that the famous “Safety-First” list may be the best way to
help with this issue.


By Mary Lynn Campbell

monkeys at fair
Thomas and Marina, my nephew and niece

This posting of “Safety-First” is one of the most controversial subjects between new monkey caregivers and the experienced monkey caregivers. It is my wish to share truth and good information through my own experiences and networking with other monkey caregivers, breeders, rescue facilities, and vets.

I think the best way to address this topic is to start by saying that I totally understanding why you first time monkey caregivers choose to disagree when an experienced monkey caregiver tells you that monkeys are not recommended with children. I honestly understand why you can’t phantom it ever being possible that your precious little monkey could ever become hurtful to their playmates and family members. I also understand that you and your family are raising your special baby together as a family member and that your family members have devoted hours and hours of their time in teaching it manners, word commands and what is off limits.  I understand that you have read books about raising monkeys, become part of monkey owners groups, and even become best friends with other monkey people. I understand that you feel that you are doing everything so perfect that there will never be a problem with your monkey and your children.

Now to you experienced monkey caregivers who feel that you must share with new caregivers about the potential issues that could arise when monkeys are around children. I understand that years ago you were one of those people that bought a monkey when you were still raising your young children. I understand that you have heard stories from others or how you’ve experienced firsthand how monkeys and kids don’t always play well together. Maybe you even had to go so far that you ended up re-homing your monkey because of problems with your monkey and your own children or your grandchildren. I understand that your monkey had to stay in his cage most of the time when children were around since you were concerned somebody could get hurt. I understand about the love that you feel for both your children and your monkey but changes happened and decisions had to be made for your precious monkey.

Now, everyone knows that I am able to see both sides of this issue so let’s discuss this topic a bit further.


By Mary Lynn Campbell

traveling with monkeys
Traveled to Ohio for a 4th of July Event

Once again on the Safety-First posting for Primate Care we are discussing an issue that I just happen to have 26 years of experience in doing. Yes, I have been traveling with monkeys now for over twenty-six years. We have traveled together in every type of vehicle and weather condition. Silly Willy, who is the star of the series of “Living With Monkeys” books was even taken on a boat trip!

By now, if you are a regular reader of these postings you know that I am a list maker and a user of these lists. This was taught to me by my mother years ago. These lists have proven to be the very best way for me to be prepared and get things done in my life as a wife, a monkey caregiver and the owner of two small businesses. So here we go.


By Mary Lynn Campbell

fire safety plan with monkeys
Silly Willy, one of the special loves in my life.

How to prepare for a possible fire in our home when we have monkeys?  On Monday, before Thanksgiving of 2014, I had some friends that awakened to this happening to them. When I spoke to my friends the next evening after the fire, one of the first things that the man of the house said to me was, “I have always been afraid of a fire breaking out and how in the world would we be able to get all of our animals out.” This statement was what made me know that I had to write a blog post about this subject.   Please take a moment to send this family of four some much needed prayers. Even though their were no humans that lost their lives in this fire (which is certainly a miracle), they did lose 2 monkeys from their troupe. We know that it will take a very long time for them to recover from this trauma filled experience.  Many of the animals who were lost in the fire had been with them for years and years. Thank you everyone.

So, let’s talk about things that we can do to be more mindful of what we could do in case this type of thing happens to you or me. Let’s go to the famous “Safety First” lists.


how to diaper a monkey

Amongst primate owners, the most commonly known method of diapering is the tail hole method but more and more primate owners are switching over to the tail wrap method. Since I’ve used both methods myself and don’t really have a particular preference, I reached out to other primate owners to find out why they prefer one method over the other. Before we go into more details, I’ve recorded a short video to demonstrate the difference between both methods. After that we’ll talk about diaper covers, different diaper brands, and what monkey parents are doing to prevent diaper rash.


By Mary Lynn Campbell

monkey home escapes

What to do when your monkey gets out of it’s cage at home?

  • Pray that all doors and windows are locked and that Tiki is not at your house visiting!
  • Pray that there is nothing on the stove hot.
  • Pray that you will be home soon.
  • Pray that none of the neighbors come walking in to visit.
  • Pray that the monkey does not put something in the toilet and then flushes it.
  • Pray that the monkey does not wish to shave with a Bic shaver.
  • Pray that the monkey does not wish to write with a Bic pen too!
  • Pray that the monkey does not decide to cook spaghetti in the microwave and mixes it up on the kitchen floor.
  • Pray that the monkey does not wish to put on make-up and eat it and then put it all over their face and hands and go running through your house which just happens to have light beige colored carpet in it.
  • Pray that the monkey does not wish to go and unlock the other monkey’s cages after it has just picked the lock of it’s own cage with a staple from one of the section of the Sunday newspaper.
  • Pray that you have time to examine your head about getting a monkey to begin with!

Yes,  these things and more have happened since I have had monkeys in my home.  I have seen everyone of these messy things happen and have also had to clean them up!


By Mary Lynn Campbell

wedge-cap capuchin
Mary Lynn and Sophie Girl Who Is A Wedge-Cap Capuchin Monkey

Thank you for returning to read more about this important “Safety First” topic here on the Primate Care site. I thought that giving an overview might be helpful for you who will not be choosing to re-read the first part of this two part topic. In part one we were talking about what are some of the important things to think about and discuss with your friends and family if your monkey were to get away from your home. I shared many stories and proven ideas of things that can and will work for strengthening your odds of getting your monkey back home.

In this part of this topic I wanted to talk more about how the way our monkeys are kept affects what happens when they get away from your home.
