Bio-Serv has some pretty unique treats for primates and while not every monkey loves every treat, they’ve got plenty of different treats so one of them could be your monkey’s favorite! The great thing about their treats is that they’re nutritional complete and that nearly all of them have vitamin D3 in them which is very important especially for new world primates. This blog isn’t so much about their treats but more about their enrichment devices. We’ve tested out 3 of them with our capuchin so let’s find out together if these enrichment devices are worth their asking price.
Month: March 2013
A few months ago I read about an amazing treat dispenser one could easily build themselves so to the store I went to get the necessary materials to build this great enrichment device. Out of all the enrichment units we have available to our capuchin, this one is without any doubt his favorite. This monkey treat dispenser is available outside his monkey room and the first thing he’ll do when we release him from his room is run towards it to see what we put in it today. He loves to pull the handle up to see what appears in the dispenser hole. We typically put nuts, seeds, or popcorn into this primate enrichment unit which fit perfectly for this device. It’s a enrichment device that will encourage their natural foraging instincts. Interested in making our own? Let’s find out after the break what you’ll need to get started!